Pay-Per-Click for Local SEO

Pay-Per-Click for Local SEO 2018-10-10T12:18:26+00:00

Another effective way to increase local search ranking is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. A PPC marketing campaign helps local businesses place paid ad links at the top of Google’s search engine results. This gives priority for potential customers to see the listing and allows companies to target their main customer base. PPC is also cost-efficient because companies only pay when their ads get clicked by a user.

The Security in Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

A pay-per-click (PPC) campaign ensures that a website will increase traffic in a brief period of time.PPC provides companies a quick boost in visibility to generate more new customers and increase sales.

Locally-Targeted Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

In order to leverage PPC campaigns, businesses should make their ads as specific as possible

Get Specific

When creating ad groups, the more specific the better. Effective PPC campaigns focus on the intended target audience. Focus on narrowing PPC campaigns by adjusting the age groups and specifying the city where the business is located.

Add Local Callouts

By adding ad extensions to PPC ad campaigns like the location in site links and callout extensions, it helps connect to customers who are looking for a local business.

Use Familiar Language

The ad copy that reaches out to your intended audience should be clear and familiar. Avoid long complicated sentences and appeal to their senses by offering a solution to the problem.

Study Analytics and Use A/B Testing

By implementing A/B testing, companies learn about their targeted audience preferences. Revisions to a single campaign variable, such as images used in the ads or keywords in the copy, can increase or decrease an ad’s click through rate.

An effective PPC campaign that utilizes A/B testing can convert clicks to actual customers and help businesses grow. PPC campaigns should align with organic local SEO practices, such as landing page optimization and link building.

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