Google Introduces Rank Brain the Artificial Intelligence in Local SEO

Google Introduces Rank Brain the Artificial Intelligence in Local SEO 2018-10-08T12:30:22+00:00

Google is always trying new things to improve local search rankings. In 2015, Google integrated Rank Brain – a form of artificial intelligence (AI) into its search engine. Rank Brain enables AI technology to merge into Google’s algorithms to produce more precise search results based on the user’s preferences.

Rank Brain allows Google to get information on the thought processes behind a user’s keywords and search terms. By analyzing the keywords and search terms, Rank Brain can weigh in on the information learned from the user’s previous search activity and display the most local targeted results that would be interesting for the user.

Businesses who implement a consistent and strong content marketing plan are being analyzed by Rank Brain and, ultimately, it’s helping businesses get high rankings on Google. However, Rank Brain is truly an excellent AI because it can detect websites that intentionally practice keyword stuffing and publishing content that appeals to search engines. It has a filtering process.

Rather than trying to figure out how your company and Rank Brain will get along online, the best thing to do is to provide the best customer experience with their clients and customers. Remember, Rank Brain only makes updates on real life content provided by real customers in reviews, citations, and social media because there are behavioural signals stuck to it. Rank Brian can tell the difference between keyword stuffed websites and spam and verified quality content written by real customers.

Important Tips for Content Creation That Rank Brain Will Love

Think like a customer: Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer and think about what they are searching for and insert relevant keywords into the website’s content at the top of the page and repeat the keywords throughout the rest of the content. For example, if you own a tutoring company and you want to get new students, you would insert keywords such as: the best tutoring company in (insert city’s name here). Write that in the first sentence at the top of the webpage, ideally, on your landing page or about us page.

Focus on giving solutions and selling the benefits: Present a common problem and provide a solution that will convince users that they will benefit from your company.

Talk to your customers: The best thing to get feedback from customers is to send them a short feedback email questionnaire after your service is complete with them. In the feedback form, give them the option for them to place their questions and concerns they have your business. Also take advantage of internal sources like current employees, supervisors, and managers to gain insight on their customer experience.

Measure social media results: On social media, it’s not what you write, it’s how you write that gets people to engage with posts. When you post a status, ask a question to start the post off and always use attractive photos and videos. The best posts that receives the most engagement, start creating content based on this and add it to the social media content calendar. Make sure you create posts that will entice users to engage, which means get lots of clicks, likes, replies, and shares.

Google will continue to release algorithm updates and introduce modern technology into its search engine. It’s essential that SMB’s, brands, and businesses continue to learn the techniques and apply that knowledge to implement effective local SEO practices.

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